We suck at blogging…

Oh my…I suck at blogging. But Monika is no saint, either. She forgets to remind me! We forgot it, yes, but that doesn’t mean there are no Updates! In fact, we spent the last couple of weeks optimizing our workflow. We started to use Trello as our Task-Board in order to have a good overview about pending tasks. Working that way is really efficient. Plus, that way we have a little “pressure” on ourselves to reach our milestones. And as for now there’ll be a milestone for every week:
make a BlogPost!

We’re going to post from now on every saturday. We think saturday is good, because we can use the #ScreenshotSaturday Hashtag as a good motivation. That way we’ll try also to show off something on the Blog and our SocialMedia-Channels (Facebook/Twitter).
That being said, we want to show you our latest work! All the animations of our Woolcow for the first Level:


We’re currently working on building the first level in Unity. I think we have a good chance to complete all the work by the end of the week. So maybe we can show off a little video!Stay tuned, till next week. No promises anymore, but actions!