Hamburger Indie Meetup #3

As you might know, we have our local Indie Meetup. And it seems this meetup is here to stay, which is great. And this time we beat our record in terms of participants. I think there were 100 people around. It was awesome.

We got cool talks:


“Building a GooglePlay-App Business from Scratch” by Julian Hühnermann. Boy did we hate F2P after this one : P
Just kidding. Kind of. We do dislike the F2P-Model, but the talk itself was really interesting. Julian talked about GooglePlay, their approach on this business model, how to work best with the tools you got and what to keep in mind when designing a game for a market with big fragmentation (Android devices).


“Business Mechanics – Development of business models for Indies” by Felipe Mahling. Now this was my personal favorite. It was a fun talk on how to develop your game and built a business around it and not the other way. He talked about the value proposition of games, how one should approach an audience. It was very insightful. If you want to get a better understanding of business mechanics, Felipe recommended this .PDF: Business Model Generation.


“How to get on consoles – Pitching to SONY” by me. I don’t know if the talk was actually cool, but I do hope that I helped people to get a better idea on how to get on consoles. I talked about how to register as a licensed dev for Microsoft (XBOX ONE), Nintendo (WiiU) and SONY (Playstation). Beyond that I also talked about our “Sir Eatsalot”-Pitch for SONY. Explained how we tackled this task and what to keep in mind when pitching.

I also wrote a Gamasutra-Article on this topic, which I will post tomorrow.

This time, we also managed to set up some Game-Stations:


To The Moon
InnoGames  Jam-Game  –

Catching Kittens
Screen Head Media –

Alphaversion of Threaks new project


We had a really great time. It was so much fun and I’m so happy that this meetup is well-attended. Looking forward to the next one!
