Hamburger Indie Meetup #2

Oh boy. It is just embarrassing how we suck at blogging, but the last couple of weeks so much happened and we had so much work to do, I couldn’t find the time to sit down and make a post about out it.

So in the next couple of days you’ll get an update on our work, because I finally found some time, but as for now I want to talk about another important thing: the Hamburg Indie Meetup.

If you follow our blog you might remember that blogpost about the very first meetup of Indie-Devs here in Hamburg, and this meetup is here to stay! The 09.12.2014 was the date of the second Hamburg Indie Meetup and it was great! This time we had three different speakers:

Jana Reinhardt from Ratking Entertainment visited us from Halle/Germany and gave a summary about establishing and importance of the Indie Arena


Beyond that she also had a nice live-presentation about the learnings of the puzzle- and leveldesign
of their released game “TRI: Of Friendship and Madness”
Really loved that one, since she showed the learnings by playing the game and explained what and how they learned from their players.


Shelly Alon, who is a local dev, gave a post-mortem about the release of his iOS game “Partyrs” with very nice stats and figures. He gave an in-depth look at his marketing effort and how these affected the sales of the game.


Heiner Schmidt from CrazyBunch, a local indie-studio, gave a nice speech about the topic: “Is VR Indie?”
He gave an overview about the state of VR, the unknown future of the market but also the possibilities
and of course of the advantages of the VR-Technology. On top of that CrazyBunch joined forces with the VR Nerds
and provided a cool Demo-Station so people could play the demo of their game “Lucid Trips”.


The talks were great, informative and the people had a lot of fun.
Thanks to gamecity:Hamburg we had a nice budget and could cover all our expenses.
What I liked most was the fact that we had a lot of new faces at this second event. The word is spreading 🙂

We’re looking forward to see new faces at the next events in 2015!

For more photos, go to the dedicated website: Second Meetup